

These hackers just issued a massive threat to every Pokémon Go player

A group of hackers known as Poodlecorp took responsibility for taking down the Pokémon Go
servers using a DDoS attack on Saturday. But that was just the beginning. A Poodlecorp team member said that was just “a lil test” and that they would “do
something on a larger scale” likely on August 1st.

Follow @the-future-now

I’m laughing so hard at this. Okay first, PG doesn’t use a static logon. It has two variable logins that aren’t even owned or kept up by niantic. They are kept by Google and Nintendo respectively (and have fun hacking two of the biggest names companies around). Which means, no, they can’t do anything to your accounts if they wanted. Second, they plan to DDOS the server??? Two issues with that bucko. Pokemon go isn’t hosted on one server. Its hosted on hundreds or more that are localized to areas. Secondly there’s already server problems? So a DDOS would go massively unnoticed and would probably affect only a small number of people before being quickly fixed??

tl;dr: this is the edgiest empty threat I’ve heard in a while.



Salvation: previewcode
Abomination: previewcode

Hello! This is the completely redone Awaken by nyctothemes! The first one I made over a year ago, and I’ve learned so much since then that I’ve decided to completely redo it 🙂 Its definitely inspired by The Station of Awakening!
Please go here to view help, tips, and info!


  • a lot of options for color customization
  • two sidebar images (a character and a bg for the stained glass)
  • 3-4 links + 1 updates/status button
  • hover for entire sidebar, description only, or no hover at all
  • symbol or pixel sidelinks
  • monochrome and/or faded pixel sidelinks
  • monochrome and/or faded photo posts
  • two types of chat posts
  • symbol or text postendings
  • dark or light audio player
  • custom cursor and favicon
  • custom audio image and anonymous image

If your car gets a parking ticket, always check the plate number on the ticket.



time: yesterday I found a ticket on my car’s windshield. It was from a
private parking enforcement company and my car was parked on the street.
I knew I was legally parked, and I also happen to be a former employee
of this company and know that they don’t check street parking (the city
does). I checked the plate number on the ticket, and it was for a
different car – same color and type as mine, but different manufacturer.

This is actually the second time something like this has happened to
me. The first time was when I was working for this parking enforcement
company. One of the perks was that when I was off-duty I’d be able to
park in company-run lots without paying and if I got ticketed, I’d just
turn it over to my boss to void at the end of the week. One day I got a
ticket for a car that wasn’t mine and pointed it out to my boss,
thinking that the lot-checker that day must really suck at his job. My
boss says “I know what this is” and explains to me that sometimes people
will try to get out of paying a ticket by leaving it on the windshield
of another car, hoping that the other driver will pay it without
noticing it wasn’t for them. He said “This is one ticket I won’t be
voiding – let’s let them have fun with our collections department.” What
killed me the most about that one was that the car it was for was a
brand new BMW convertible, and I was driving a 20-year-old Mazda that
showed all the signs of having been the car that two siblings and I had
first learned to drive in. In the absence of any other evidence, I’m
forced to assume the BMW belonged to Donald Trump.

TL;DR: there are dickheads out there who will try to trick you into
paying their parking ticket for them by leaving it on your windshield,
so make sure to check the plate number on the ticket before paying it

Shit. Wow. Some people are dickheads.

imagine aizawa’s face when he receives a “World’s Okayest Uncle” coffee mug from his students on fathers day


The class is unusually quiet when he walks in. He pins them with a suspicious look then notices the white mug sitting on the podium. Mic must have left his coffee again, ugh. He picks up the mug and notices a tag attached to the handle. Aizawa glances at his students who still haven’t said a word, but looked like they were holding in a breath. He flips over the tag and reads: To Aizawa sensei from everyone in Class 1A. Aizawa turns the mug over in his hand. Written across the mug was the phrase “World’s Okayest Uncle”. He smiled at them and began the day’s lesson. He let them go a little earlier than usual as thanks, but really he just wanted a cup of coffee.

When he entered the teacher’s loungue. Mic was estatically talking about his cup. Upon noticing Aizawa he exclaimed, “You got one too?” Mic showed him his blue mug that said “World’s Weirdest Uncle”. Aizawa snorted and held up his.

Toshinori turned from the coffee pot taking a sip from his mug. “Mine’s the best.” He sat down at the table placing his mug where both teachers could see.

“WORLD’S BEST DAD??!” They both exclaimed. Toshinori grinned.

Mic asked who made Toshinori the dad and why they were uncles. Toshinori shrugged and said,“I don’t ever remember becoming a father to be honest.”

“Well obviously some of the students see you as a father figure so it only makes sense for them to do this. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Midoriya’s idea.” Aizawa sipped his coffee. “That would make Mic and I like your brothers I guess.”

“That’s not so bad.” Mic nodded.

It warmed their hearts that their students thought so highly of them.