
HEADCANON: during his time with Best Jeanist, Bakugou learned how to style hair. (well, it was more like, Best Jeanist sighed and suggested that Bakugou couldn’t do something as elegant as learn how to style hair with that personality of his, and Bakugou got pissed and learned how just to prove him fucking wrong. also because he has to be the best at everything. which includes hair styling.)

SO one day at the dorms, one of the girls is having a bad hair day, and Bakugou just comes up behind her and fixes it. because goddammit he fucking learned these skills might as well fuckin’ use ‘em

Bakugou instantly becomes the person all the girls go to when they want their hair styled or fixed. at first it annoys him, but then he finds styling hair is actually kinda relaxing. maybe even fun. (he even styles Aoyama’s hair at one point, and some of the other boys too, tho a few just refuse to let Bakugou’s hands near their heads)


Mobile Justice App

Record– allows citizens to capture exchanges between police officers and themselves or other community members in audio and video files that are automatically emailed to the ACLU.

Witness– gives citizens the option to alert nearby Mobile Justice App users when they are stopped by police so that they can move toward the location and document the interaction.

Report– gives citizens the option to provide a more-detailed account of their interactions with police in an incident report, which will be transmitted directly to the ACLU. (from ACLU website)

guys. this is huge. share and spread the word.

Ooh what about Roxas from kingdom. Hearts as a Pokemon trainer???


That’s one way to get your memories back…

Have any character you’d like to see as a trainer? Send it to us!

Question by @rainbowditoo @linku-rinku


A big set of Pokemon crossbreed commissions for an anonymous Pokemon enthusiast! These horrors are:

PLUSH BOMB: Shiny Alomomola + Shiny Qwilfish

+ Gentle disposition. + Other, smaller fish Pokemon will stay close by to ward away predators. + Scales have a distinct edge. + Trainers can receive cuts if they run a hand over the scales carelessly.

GENTLE TRAIL: Alomomola + Wailord

+ 30 – 50 feet in length. + non-aggressive, but feeds upon smaller Pokemon. + Crossbreed has a 33% chance of possessing gills, lungs, or both. + May drown if it forgets “how to breathe” via “instinct failure” due to heritage.

FLIGHTLESS: Shiny Delibird + Shiny Clemperl

+ 80%+ suffer from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. + Prone to infection. +Produces yellow pearls which erupt from pores. + pears often have a calcium core. + Not used for battle – cannot fight. + Owners will be investigated for cruelty.

SONIC BOOM: Swoobat + Noivern

+ Positive all the time. + Males used in law-enforcement as an anti-riot device. + Mating call is powerful enough to bestow positive mood-shifts in large crowds.+ Will never find a mate, calls are too low in frequency to be heard by other Swoobat. + Angry calls can level small buildings.

HOTBELLY HOPPER: Swoobat + Emboar

+ Protective of trainer and other companion Pokemon. + Cannot fly, but can lope very quickly over great distances. + Sensitive to high-frequency sound (irritant). + Very affectionate.

THREE OF A PAIR: Swoobat + Dugtrio

+ Conjoined triplettes. + Extremely rare, 5% will be born as triplettes. + All three will be the same sex and share nervous, circulatory, and disgestive systems. + Vert adept at flight in confined spaces. + Has a curious bu refined taste for dirt.

DELAYED TANTRUM: Darmanitan + Slaking

+ Sleeps for 14 hours a day. + Enters “Zen” forme during sleep. + Waking the Pokemon up from sleep is not recommended. + Hair provides excellent insulation (also luxurious). + Enjoys being brushed / groomed.

TEMPEST: Gardevoir  + Castform

+ Head is always on fire (always). + Can influence humidity in immediate area. + Considered an omen of dangerous weather.

NANNY: Gardevoir + Gengar

+ Able to teleport short distances between, and hide within, shadows. + Accompanied by the sound of whispers and child-like crying. + Attempts to comfort results in feelings og dread,fear, and bestowment of nightmares. + Drawn to children (most easily affected by Pokemon’s abilities). + Attempts to shield victim from dread and nightmares results in further, stronger terror.