imagine aizawa’s face when he receives a “World’s Okayest Uncle” coffee mug from his students on fathers day


The class is unusually quiet when he walks in. He pins them with a suspicious look then notices the white mug sitting on the podium. Mic must have left his coffee again, ugh. He picks up the mug and notices a tag attached to the handle. Aizawa glances at his students who still haven’t said a word, but looked like they were holding in a breath. He flips over the tag and reads: To Aizawa sensei from everyone in Class 1A. Aizawa turns the mug over in his hand. Written across the mug was the phrase “World’s Okayest Uncle”. He smiled at them and began the day’s lesson. He let them go a little earlier than usual as thanks, but really he just wanted a cup of coffee.

When he entered the teacher’s loungue. Mic was estatically talking about his cup. Upon noticing Aizawa he exclaimed, “You got one too?” Mic showed him his blue mug that said “World’s Weirdest Uncle”. Aizawa snorted and held up his.

Toshinori turned from the coffee pot taking a sip from his mug. “Mine’s the best.” He sat down at the table placing his mug where both teachers could see.

“WORLD’S BEST DAD??!” They both exclaimed. Toshinori grinned.

Mic asked who made Toshinori the dad and why they were uncles. Toshinori shrugged and said,“I don’t ever remember becoming a father to be honest.”

“Well obviously some of the students see you as a father figure so it only makes sense for them to do this. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Midoriya’s idea.” Aizawa sipped his coffee. “That would make Mic and I like your brothers I guess.”

“That’s not so bad.” Mic nodded.

It warmed their hearts that their students thought so highly of them.