(1/2) deku mentioned he listened to present mic on the radio i think every night (or something like that) and do u think he still does? if he does and keeps doing so in the dorms, at first its just him and is roomie (by sheer fact that of having to share the room) and they find mic’s broadcast is p good but what really catches their attention is that he someone times slips in short stories about shit he and his bud ‘shouta’ used to do way back when, at which point-


(2/2) -they tell the other students until eventually all the kids tune
in just for said stories (which are nothing like bad, just silly,
embarrassing ‘dumb teen’ stories). the students originally plan not to
mention anything to aizawa but stuff starts slipping out and they burst
out asking about this and that from way back when. at which point aizawa
has to give mic a ‘things you can/cannot talk about on your show’ list 



well it’s very likely that the other kids in the dorms could hear the broadcast through the walls so the scenario of the other kids finding out is still very plausible tbh sO YEAH THEY START LISTENING AND JUST.

THEY FIND OUT TONS OF LITTLE DETAILS. Aizawa’s favorite drink or foods or silly things the two did while at school. i bet they even find out that Mic gave Aizawa his hero name, at which point some of them feel indignant b/c he told them to think carefully about theirs while he completely half assed it

(i bet that’s how they find out Aizawa loves cats too, b/c Mic will just go on and on about how Aizawa would keep saving cats and sneak cats here or there or whatever else, and that Aizawa used to have cat themed pjs or something (part that Mic didn’t mention: he bought them dared Aizawa to wear them))

(the kids find this adorable)

(Aizawa gets annoyed by their cooing)

so yeah Aizawa has to set up a little (long) list of things that Mic is Definitely Not Allowed to Talk About




Extra Headcanon/AU notes (for the curious): Inko isn’t aggressive nor is she all that intimidating, she just moms everyone. And that within itself has the makings of a terrifying individual.

She is also extremely determined when she wants to be? Bakugou thought she was just a typical, weak schoolgirl when they met as kids, but Inko was determined to make her stop smoking/getting into so many fights. It was downright terrifying what she could do when she had set her mind on something.

They didn’t really become friends until a couple years after they met, though. Bakugou doesn’t really have a good relationship with her parents, and after one particularly hostile spat, Inko just kinda… showed up at her door. She didn’t ask any questions, just knew, and they ditched school for four days to go up to Hokkaido and be happy.

Bakugou’s fearful respect of her is based on years of Inko somehow knowing everything and multiple cases of her calling/texting/msg-ing Bakugou just as she lights a cigarette or glares at some thugs, despite being nowhere in the vicinity. She is 99% certain that Inko has some sort of secondary psychic sense quirk that keeps her attuned to the people she cares about.

(Also, Bakugou really loves her son, but? She also REALLY wants to kick his ass, because Inko took such good care of her when they were younger and she feels entirely responsible for how her son acts towards Izuku. She probably sees Katsuki’s behavior as a reflection of her own and regrets/wishes she was a parent more like Inko, or something.)

Many thanks
to Ao and tsukana – this headcanon is pure perfection. I can’t
stop laughing, and whole-heartedly approve of this! XD

beautiful art as always, Ao!





Here it is!!! The big project I was working on the past few months! I couldn’t post it in time for the Sonic’s 23rd Anniversary for obvious school reasons…
Also it’s not quite…fully finished yet, I have to wait for my friend (http://thejegsu.tumblr.com/ )’s part to be complete :> In the meanwhile,I hope you enjoy this ❤

Keep on rockin’!!!

Reblogging because HOLY SHIT it hit 1000 notes! Thank you all so much!!! Glad you liked it! ;u;

This is fantastic, I think I might cry a little bit-

I Refuse.


I refuse to leave this world before i see everything.

I refuse to leave without seeing all the flowers in my city and giving them a good sniff.

i refuse to leave without finding that outfit that will make me feel like the queen of this world.

I refuse to leave without stroking on my face every silky piece of fabric on existence.

Without tasting every type of chocolate.

or smelling every morning fragance of the bakeries around me

Without breathing in every sweet fragance .

Or listening all the good music.

Without learning something interesting.

Before i hear every story

or play all the games.

Without having pet every puppy.

or playing with every cat

Without exploring every corner

Every little alley that ive been too busy to look at.

Without seeing beautiful art

Before i find a friend

Without laughing at every joke i can

Whithout feeling the breeze of every nigth 

the warmth of every morning

or without seing every sunset or every sunrise above me

i resfuse to leave before i can find love, whatever that might mean

And i strongly refuse to leave this world without squeezing every drop of whatever it has to offer me.


Not everyone is out to get you.

Special thanks to @emarelda for helping me colour this comic! 

(Those leaks will probably debunk this whole thing, but I spent way too much time on this to drop it.)

Like You’ve Been to War


Rain fell in curtains throughout the streets of Central.

A solid covering of dark gray clouds had rolled in the
previous morning. They’d crackled first, rumbled distantly, and finally
released their store in a nonstop deluge of rain. All day, through the night,
and into the next morning. Puddles filled the alleyways, and most streets ran
like rivers.

Mustang watched the sheets fall from the third floor break
room in Central Headquarters. It was a room roughly half the size of his
office, with two plush blue couches, an armchair, and a large wooden table with
two desk lamps on top. He was seated at the table, his files scattered over top.
Fullmetal lay on the farthest couch, his left hand wrapped around the book he’d
propped against his knee, his bound right arm dangling over the couch’s side.

“It’s a real shame, you know. There’s a bagel shop about two
blocks from here I usually like to go to for lunch. Guess that’s not an option
today.” Roy tapped his pen to a document. He got the ink flowing before filling
out his weekly report in the tight, blank lines. “I suppose I could send the
Lieutenant there for us, but that would mean voluntarily giving up our only body
guard. So it would be at the risk of us getting killed. On the other hand, they
really are good bagels.”

Ed looked up from his book. His mouth was drawn into a tight
line, eyes bothered. “And how’s that gonna make you feel when your tomb stone
reads ‘Here lies Mustang, killed by Scar because he really wanted a bagel’?”

“Nonsense. It would say, ‘Here lies Mustang, died in a
heroic battle with Amestris’s most dangerous serial killer.’”

Keep reading


Lea leans against the cool brick wall behind him, biting into a Sea Salt bar as he waits for Isa to finally show up. For someone who gets on his case for taking forever to get out of bed, Isa is clearly no better for taking so long to primp his hair. He looks up at the rosy sky, serene and content as the sounds of the majestic fountains nearby soothes him like lullaby.

Then, like flash across his vision, Lea sees a blue blur leaping from rooftop to rooftop. He blinks, suddenly aware it wasn’t his imagination playing tricks on him when a band of the same blue beings follows suit. Lea drops his snack, opting to abandon his post to follow the strange creatures. A high-pitched cry suddenly echos off in the distance, and Lea picks up his pace. His heart pounds, unsure of what he’d find. He holds his trusty Frisbees in both hands and reaches the top of a flight of marble stairs. Just ahead in the vast garden is Kairi, face red with fear and exertion as she runs from the creatures harassing her.

“Kairi!” Lea runs in and uses his strength to battle off the monsters. They’re quick and nimble, hopping and jerking from one spot to another as Lea tries to defend himself and the little girl. He jabs his makeshift weapon down into the body of one of them, causing it to squirm away. He takes Kairi by the hand and pulls her towards the stairs, only to have three blue blobs slither ahead of them in the ground beneath their feet and reemerge to block their route. A weight heaves itself onto Lea’s arms, clawing wildly, and he shouts as a cut pierces through his skin. In anger, he knocks the creature back, tearing another digging into his scarf with a hard throw. There’s far too many of them for him to fight, Lea realises.

A sudden sharp pain strikes across his leg and Lea collapses to one knee with a grunt. he looks down and huffs when he sees crimson beginning to well up in the fresh wound.


Kairi throws her arms around Lea’s shoulders, one hand still gripping onto a small bunch of flowers. Lea pants, holding her close as he does his best to appear brave.

The creatures have surrounded them, all of them staring intimidatingly, tauntingly, as if they were waiting for the boy to make another futile move.

“You’re hurt,” Kairi whispers, her body trembling.

“I’m alright,” Lea says with a forced smile, “I won’t let them hurt you.” He raises the disc in his free hand, trying to steel himself from thinking the worst of the situation and preparing himself for another tough round as the monsters stalk closer.