you’re brave and insightful and rash
no one can take that away from you
they don’t have the right
and they never will


you’ll exist until the bitter end
stubborn and a survivor
there is nothing in this world that can bring you down
but yourself


you are a storm disguised as a cloudy evening
the comedic and tragic masks of theater
in a universe where the inhabitants are boring
you are a bright light


i’m sorry for the rupture
in your peaceful, loving home
i’m sorry for the shattering of a safe world
i’m proud that you are the only one strong enough to put it back together now


your exuberance is legendary
be aware
be alive
they cannot steal your radiance


a keen mind
lovely lips forming words of holy prayers to peace
you were robbed
but they cannot take your grace, my love


you tried your best
you are not bad for doing what it right to recover
you deserve it
you need help as much as everyone else does


silent as a statue
you bear it all with stoic, strong shoulders
it is okay to cry
recovery is not weakness


i trust your poetry and drive
i trust your strength and capability
one day there will be a time for you to trust that too
just wait


after a lifetime of shouldering other people’s problems
know that that is a good thing
but self-care is a good thing too
and there is a peace in balance


let your sympathy go
they don’t deserve it after what they did to you
you can make yourself the priority now
i give you permission


it is not your fault
you were not weak or stupid
you have a big heart
and I’m proud of you for it

Reblog with your sign in the tags


aries: the definition of a fuckboy but they actually have a soul. literally don’t give two shits about the haters and are some of the most loyal friends i’ve ever encountered. have very sudden growth periods. super dedicated to anything they put their mind to. ALSO OH MY GOD SO GOOD WITH THE TONGUE 

taurus: very eccentric, don’t really know how to deal with emotions. get flustered easily but it’s kinda cute. dreamy demeanor. will ignore the hell out of u if u fuck them over. are lowkey terrified of everything but will probs never admit that as they have some weird element of ego tied into that. 

gemini: really chill people when u get to know them but will scare the shit out of u for like six years if u don’t approach them. do not fucking piss them off as they will butcher yo ass with their tongue and hang u up for the rest of the world to see. probably has daddy issues. writers. really physically attractive and everybody is intimidated as fuck by it. dumb as hell in terms of love and will flirt with you incessantly. REALLY FUCKIN GOOD WITH THEIR HANDS LIKE DAMN. 

cancer: big hearts. fuckin adorable little water signs that are likely drowning in a puddle of their own tears. do not know how to fucking flirt to save their lives. their laughs are kooky as hell and i love it. probably smoke weed. u either love ‘em or want to kill them or are in some poorly balanced inbetween.

leo: okay y’all needa settle down a bit. fragile fuckin egos if i’ve ever seen ‘em and react hardcore if u piss them off. pretty over the top with everything. but damn, are some of the most hopelessly romantic motherfuckers i’ve met. will treat you like a fucking god(dess) if u let them. not super good at social cues tbh. good friends to have if u need to be validated. need quality time. 

virgo: y’all are lowkey hoes and give no fucks about it and it’s fucking great omfg. despite that, they maintain an endearing innocence and can be childish af when things don’t go their way but will love u until the end of time. great taste in music. super fucking smart but don’t show it off too often. 

libra: jesus christ okay i love u guys. super understanding and will always try to see all sides of a situation. probably have been through a lot. aren’t afraid to call u on ur shit and are lowkey emotional shawtys that are still trying to find themselves. make really wonderful parents. get crazy excited over little shit and it’s fucking adorable. 

scorpio: don’t fuck with these hoes unless u know urself first. will expose the parts of urself that u didn’t want to see. super gnarly in fights and will love u until the end of time. pretty standoffish and need time alone when emotionally unstable. keep themselves in amazing shape. are the loneliest fucks i know; be kind to them always. are probably in great shape (physically.)

sagittarius: craziest mofos out there. abandon all emotions before going into a situation and can be super impulsive. funny as fuck and always seem to be on another level. push themselves to the limit and usually forget to give themselves a break. ambitious and can get shit done when they need to. 

capricorn: talk about a ride or die. y’all are loyal to the grave and are incredible friends. until u get fucked over. will probably make ur enemies’ life a living hell, sometimes over-the-top about it. can be v athletic. good writers/artists. really interested in spirituality and the ethereal realms. u guys know what to do in bed and flirt hard af. also so fucking funny oh my god. 

aquarius: amazing friends. probably hate u. easily excitable. space cadets 4 life. rly good with animals and love food but probably restrict their eating habits in one way or another. a paradox in that they are fucking driven as hell to get shit done but give zero fucks at the same time. lowkey kinky af. want to kiss everyone. 

pisces: emotional shawtys through and through. physically attractive as hell. not good at romantic relationships. won’t forget about u for a million years. keep their friends close but will push u the fuck away if they get scared. insecure and just want u to stick around.

Signs as Plants


Aries ; venus fly trap. looks sweet but bites.

Taurus ; wildflowers. will spread and bring beauty even if a block of cement is in their way.

Gemini ; aspen forests. they feel like everyone’s connected deep down.

Cancer ; lotus. even in dark places, they find their way into the light.

Leo ; roses. all fun and games until their thorns show.

Virgo ; ferns. they don’t need a finish line to start their journey.

Libra ; daisies. they are perky and grow fast.

Scorpio ; poison ivy. once you touch them, theres no going back.

Sagittarius ; cactus. they hurt very much, but with the right amount of nurturing they make one of the most beautiful things.

Capricorn ; oak trees. old and wise and caring, but sometimes get too much attention.

Aquarius ; sunflowers. hold their head up high and always look at the “bright” side.

Pisces ; lavender. soothing, light but always manages to be strong and make a change.






I keep fantasizing about how cool it would be if humans were supernatural creatures and their powers and physical features were based on their sun, moon, and rising sign.

Hear me out: sun signs determine the basic physical features like nails that are strong like claws or goat horns or gills that can be activated and deactivated. Moon signs determine what powers you have; Aries moon can have pyrokinesis, Gemini moon can multiply, Leo moon can manipulate heat and fire solar beams, etc. And the ascendant can determine your color scheme, physique, and secondary characteristics like hair and eyes.
Hehe sorry, excuse my brain fart

If that were the case, I’d be a psychic centaur with water and empath powers with a gryffindor color scheme.

….Write a book about this. Now. I want to read it.

okay no maybe not a book but like make a chart!!!!! with all the stuff!!!! please!!!!!!!

Alrighty as promised I’ll make a chart of this


  • Sun: Ram horns regardless of gender, strong foreheads, and bones are stronger than average since they’re prone to injury
  • Moon: Pyrokinesis, quick self healing factor, or precognition 
  • Rising: Red and orange color scheme, hair often curly but can be any “natural” color, eyes are either a warm red or a bright orange, most are average height or smaller


  • Sun: Bull horns regardless of gender, large hands in proportion to their bodies, and stomachs and immune system allow them to eat anything without harm
  • Moon: Super strength, stone manipulation, or can communicate with any mammal 
  • Rising: Brown and green color scheme, eyes could be either color, hair often thick and usually black, green, or brown, often either chubby or beefy physique (some more or less thick than others)


  • Sun: Second set of arms, eyes can zoom in and out of long distant range, and have a much easier time learning other languages than others
  • Moon: Super speed, can shapeshift into any human form, or physical duplication
  • Rising: Color scheme is light blue and yellow, eyes can be either color, hair can be any “unnatural” color, physique varies but they have long legs proportionate to their height


  • Sun: Hands can morph into crab claws (color determined by rising), skin glitters when exposed to moonlight, all of them are empaths
  • Moon: Lunar abilities ( produce and shoot lunar beams, control tides; however this can only be accessed at night), psychic absorption (can absorb and use one power at a time, this only tires the victim) , or producing force fields
  • Rising: Silver and shades of blue color scheme, eyes can be either color and are very glossy, hair is either blue or black, tend to be short


  • Sun: Feline like canines, nails are long and strong like claws, skin glitters when exposed to sunlight
  • Moon: Solar abilities (produce and shoot solar beams and control heat; this can only be accessed during the day), laser eyes, or sonic boom roar (explosive, can physically push away anything in its close range)
  • Rising: Gold and red color scheme, eyes are often gold, hair almost always big no mater the length, can be any “natural” color, either really tall or really short


  • Sun: Large feathered wings (color determined by rising), they look human otherwise 
  • Moon: Portal creation, telekinesis, or poison manipulation
  • Rising: color scheme is green and yellow, eyes can be either color, hair is either brown or black base with any second color, physique varies but all have longer than average fingers


  • Sun: Skin on the hands and forearms are metallic gold or silver, have glowing eyes (color determined by rising), can always tell if you’re lying
  • Moon: Plant manipulation, siren song, or sonic scream (not explosive but can stun any living being in its range and break close enough objects)
  • Rising: Green and pink color scheme, eyes are either pink or yellow, hair is either white, brown, or pink, are often tall with wide hips regardless of gender


  • Sun: Fully functional scorpion tail (proportionate to their body), can easily see in the dark, very silent walkers who can sneak up on anyone
  • Moon: Shadow manipulation, mediumship (includes the dead and powerful spirits), or selective mind reading (can’t communicate mentally)
  • Rising: Black and red color scheme, eyes are either dark blue or bright red, hair can be any dark color, can easily blend in with their surrounding 


  • Sun: Can switch from biped to centaur and back, keeps their tail in any form, hair grows long and fast
  • Moon: Can shoot energy arrows or spears, light manipulation, or power jump (can leap as high as 50ft off the ground)
  • Rising: Orange and brown color scheme, eyes can be either color, hair is red or dirty blond, often tall but short ones are faster runners


  • Sun: Goat horns legs and hooves, pretty much satyrs 
  • Moon: Ice manipulation, telepathy, or temporarily slow time
  • Rising: Brown and black color scheme, eyes are any shade of brown, hair is black but can have any secondary color, often average height and have a very fit physique but that varies, they throw some of the hardest punches


  • Sun: Are the most human looking of the signs but they always have at least one robotic body enhancement, can retain more information than the others
  • Moon: Electric manipulation, technopathy, or wind manipulation
  • Rising:  Electric blue and black, eyes are any shade of blue, hair can be any bright “unnatural” color, often tall but body type varies


  • Sun: Can switch from biped to mermaid and back (scale colors determined by rising), have a set of gills that closes on land, often have scales grown on stray parts of their body that shows even on land
  • Moon: Water manipulation, aura manipulation, or invisibility 
  • Rising: Sea green and lavender color scheme, eyes can be either color, hair can be any shade of blue or purple, physique varies but they have large glossy eyes

Cancer, Scorpio, Scorpio

I’d be able to lurk in shadows of my own making, sneaking up on anyone with jet black crab claws, but unable to kill them because of my feeling their emotions, to empathic to end their lives. Instead I’d be the ideal spy. Unseen, clouded in shadow. Able to know not only my target’s words, but their emotions and thoughts, able to draw information even from the dead. Where I can’t be, my allies among the spirits would gather information for me, walking through walls to gather whispers from locked rooms. The only glance caught of me would be an occasional gleam as the light of a lamp reflects of my ruby red eyes.

Fronts the Signs Put Up



Aries: Agression – Arians are bold and strong but not naturally aggressive in the sense that most think. As the children of the Zodiac they can struggle to express themselves and view emotions in a somewhat immature way. They feel that revealing the soft, loving, delicate part of them that hopes and dreams in ways that no other Sign could ever is a weakness, so they cover it up with a mask of aggression.

Taurus: Confidence – Taureans can seem like the most put-together, strong, and intelligent individuals of the Zodiac but deep down they are afraid. They don’t feel secure emotionally so they put up a front of being above such feelings and are typically materialistic – objects won’t let them down or turn them away, people do. When they feel weak, alone and they need something to rely on, they fake it till they make it.

Gemini: Know-it-all – Geminis have a lot of information swirling around in their heads and they are very intelligent. But they can use this intelligence as a mask. They act like they know it all, as if their knowledge makes them better, because at times they feel like that’s all they have. And if they have nothing to offer, no one will listen to them, no one will talk to them or value them.

Cancer: Sensuality – Soft Cancerians, so desperate for love, will use their sexuality as a method of receiving attention, to make up for feeling unloved, or because their gentler, romantic view of love is not always viewed favorably by today’s society. They need love and true connections which can be stunted by the harsh world around them and lead to this coping method or front.

Leo: Pride – We all know about a Lion’s pride but very few realize why Leos put up this front. In short, it’s because they are insecure. They boast and seek to control the world around them because on the inside they are in fact self-conscious. The next time a Leo seems too abrasive or pushy cut them some slack, they are doing what they can to feel secure.

Virgo: Dependability – Virgos are dependable, don’t get me wrong, but they try very hard to be. Their biggest fear is to be useless. When they are being your shoulder to lean on, in a strange way they are leaning right back on you. They need to help others, or at least be needed by them, to feel worth something. Though they may see so stable all on their own, they truly need others but they aren’t always ready to admit it.

Libra: Perfection – Librans feel they must be perfect at all times, they allow themselves no room for error, all because they care so deeply about what others think of them. They must meet the approval of others, this is their greatest desire, so they seek to appear as perfect as possible whether perfection to them is top grades and a clean appearance or appearing as if they don’t care and are above it all. In reality they are just like the rest of us behind that mask.

Scorpio: Cynicism – Scorpios are not cynical and dark to their core, they are simply afraid to hope. They know the dark inner workings of the mind and society, so love and success can seem like a mere fantasy to them no matter how desperately they want it. Pessimism becomes a shield protecting them from being let down or worse. No matter how distant they may seem, on the inside they are still hoping.

Sagittarius: Independence – To Sagittarius, independence is perhaps the most important thing in their world so when they are in need, instead of seeking out support or someone to lean on, they pretend to need no one. Despite being social creatures who seek to communicate and learn from those around them, they can’t admit that they need someone to come home to at the end of the day, making them sometimes appear hot and cold to others. Instead of seeking out what they need, they put up a front.

Capricorn: Seriousness – Capricorns are ruled by severe Saturn so it only makes sense that they work so hard to seem strong and mature, but this is only another front. On the inside they are trapped children who often didn’t have a proper childhood – sometimes this is simply because they themselves expect too much. If you give them the chance they’ll show you just how awkward, loud, and immature they really are.

Aquarius: Intimacy – Aquarians have a complicated relationship with society. They have a lot of friends and are very social but no matter how outgoing and intimate they may seem they are truly closed off. They want to be social and popular but at the same time they are afraid to grow close to another person, to open up and share their emotions. They fear that they will always be outside looking in yet they also fear what might happen if they truly let go. So they get as close as they can and hide their fear behind a mask.

Pisces: Lightheartedness – That Pisces that always seems to be in their own little world, who giggles and never seems to take things seriously? They are burdened by thoughts and feelings beyond what your average person experiences let alone handles. Their lighthearted, unsophisticated behavior is all a front in hopes of lessening that burden. If you were haunted, would you be strong enough to bear that smiling mask?

Lavinia Amoun


The Signs + Hiding Their Emotions


Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

Tries but is bound to fall apart sooner or later:
Pisces, Aries, Libra

Hides it well, only the people closest to them know how they really feel:
Taurus, Aquarius, Capricorn

Fucking pro, they could be dying inside and no one knows:
Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio